Infrared light is an important force of energy, which helps to raise the white blood cell count in our body. Raising count is good as it means better immunity against diseases and ailments. Heat therapies and energy medicines are long been used by ancient Chinese and Japanese health practitioners. For ages healing touch therapies are used for improved cell growth, DNA and protein synthesis in cells. Infrared therapies have proved to be beneficial for the cardiovascular training effects for the people who are unable exert themselves. FIR has an outstanding impact on caloric consumption and weight control; It is found that in only thirty minutes 600 – 2400 calories can be burnt. Infrared thermal systems stimulate the energy used in to run six to nine miles during one session. This is proving to be best solutions for the people who can not exert themselves yet have to control weight effectively. FIR also helps body to flush out the toxins which is essential for body to work effectively.
FIR therapy offers many other benefits;
It help people suffering from all forms of arthiritus, relieves muscle spasms and joint stiffness
1- it increases the extensibility of collagen tissues and capillaries which is good for stimulation of blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation
2- FIR therapy assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates
3- FIR therapy has proven extremely beneficial in weight control programmes. It is observed that one hour under the FIR therapy raise the body metabolism and body temperature that it burns 900 calories. FIR heat also breaks down cellulite – trapped water, fat and waste in the body
4- It helps to prevent hypertension, arteriosclerosis, coronary artery disease and blood circulation. It relieves nervous tension and relaxes autoneuro muscles.
5- FIR helps to improve skin conditions and all-around beauty treatment.
6- It is also said to help body strengthen the immunity system by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus.
- They travel in straight lines.
- They are easily absorbed by the human body, reaching as far as 4-7 cm into the tissues of the body. FIR operates from inside the body, not just the skin surface.
- They vibrate at the same frequency as the human body.
- They cause a warming effect once they enter the human body by activating molecules and body cells. Different individuals will feel varying intensities of the warming sensation.
Do you want to experience this unique F.I.R technology?
Call me @ 0126486860
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